Jana Bulkin
CEO of S2BConnected
I support startups, small and medium-sized companies as a facilitator in their growth, business and team development with a proven combination of successful management strategies. These include the transformative power and understanding of innovative technologies. As your coach and mentor I stand for responsible guidance to facilitate your adoption of the „new normal“.

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About Me
Who I am and how I can help you

Expert for change processes in business and technology, Management Coach, Lecturer, Author
What drives me is the motivation and curiosity to break new ground in developing solutions for companies. I consider myself more of adopting things, as opposed to a scientist, because I focus on uncomplicated, but individual solutions instead of just finding new technology. Sustainability is important to me; it is based on cooperation with local, already existing structures as well as the simplification and automation of processes. It is worthwhile to focus in on your market segment and to protect your existing investments.

Every entrepreneur starts their business with a dream and a goal. I am here to make sure that you achieve your entrepreneurial goals and make your business dream come true.
My promise to you
What I want
My overall goal is to make your services digitally available in a sustainable and stable fashion, even during times of digital and technological changes. In the interpersonal area I am there to assist you and your team as a coach. In doing so, I will always take into account the individual needs of your company.
How we achieve it
The way to get there is business transformation and strategic growth. Consumers use digital services more frequently and with growing demands; the step towards IaaS, PaaS and SaaS platforms must be taken to reduce vertical integration costs as well as to optimize processes and implement horizontal scale capabilities.
Why it matters
Your advantages throughout this process are not only the generated value through focus on your niche, but also the (team) coaching including up-skilling and my network connections. We will build a bridge between the established enterprise thinking and the new generation. Think big!
My Offer For You
I look forward to working with you to develop a suitable strategy, accompany the implementation and realize your goals.
Books, Articles & other Publications

SOA for Agile Businesses
Orig. Title: SOA für agile Unternehmen: Serviceorientierte Architekturen verstehen, einführen und nutzen
Authors: Wolfgang Beinhauer, Michael Herr, Achim Schmidt
Co-Author: Jana Bulkin (SOA in der Praxis: Banking)
Publisher: Symposion Publishing
Language: German
Organizational and business aspects of service-oriented architectures are explained using practical examples from the telecommunications, automotive and banking sectors. The book provides the necessary basics of SOA and shows how to plan and execute SOA initiatives, operate a quality management of services and how to implement a service-oriented architecture sustainably.
Target audience: CEOs, CIOs, IT specialists, process managers, decision makers in the fields of business strategy and organization, IT consultants
The latest blog articles
Digital Culture Mastery – Newsletter
Introducing "Digital Culture Mastery" - Your Guide to Digital Transformation 🚀 Digital transformation is no longer just a buzzword; it's a crucial...
CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currencies: An Effort by Governments to Digitize Currency
CBDC - Central Bank Digital Currencies: An Effort by Governments to Digitize Currency At this point, technology has infiltrated every single facet...
Blockchain as a Catalyst for Digital Transformation – Harnessing the Power of a Hackathon: With S2Bconnected’s EDULab Approach
The rise of digitalization brought about a paradigm shift in how businesses operate. It opened up opportunities for companies to create innovative...