Process Mining Can Enhance Value Creation Digitalization


In this blog post, we’ll discuss how process mining can enhance value creation digitalization by providing front-to-back process analysis that has the potential for optimization throughout an organization – not only limited to cost savings. 

Process mining enables us to gain transparency and insight into manual or semi-automated processes. It allows for the evaluation of what is happening within our workflows and provides us with the data we need to make informed decisions. When it comes to process automation, transparency, measurability, and standardization are key components. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how process mining can enhance value creation digitalization by providing front-to-back process analysis that has the potential for optimization throughout an organization – not only limited to cost savings.

Food for thought::

Celonis is one of the significant Process Mining Platforms on the market and helps get insights about your processes and where the potential is for optimization.
I am always impressed by the solution and the offer Celonis gives Universities. Also, this Summer Semester at the Faculty of Computer Sciences for Business, Celonis joined my class about Robotic Process Automation at the University of Applied Sciences in Munich. To find the right solution for process optimization, Process Mining provides the information that helps in calculating the Proof of Value of the optimization, which is essential in making the best decision, where to use such technologies e.g.

Jana Bulkin, Assistant Lecture at Munich University of Applied Sciences, CEO of S2Bconnected

What is Process Mining?

Process mining is a technique used in data science that uses event logs generated by software systems to automatically analyze business processes. It allows us to identify opportunities for improvement through increased visibility into processes and performance metrics. With process mining, organizations can improve their operational efficiency, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction through better understanding of their inner workings.

Benefits of Process Mining

The main benefit of process mining is that it enables organizations to get more out of their existing systems by better understanding how they are used. By analyzing event logs from their systems with process mining tools, organizations can gain valuable insight into what is happening behind the scenes – allowing them to optimize their processes for greater efficiency and cost savings. Additionally, since process mining can be applied across any system or platform that generates an event log, it provides an easy way to track the performance of different parts of an organization in real time. This allows organizations to quickly identify potential problems before they become too large or costly.

Process Mining in Action

In addition to improving operational efficiency and reducing costs, process mining also provides a valuable opportunity for organizations to create value-creation digitalization initiatives. For example, by connecting services in an appropriate way, businesses can use process mining tools to identify opportunities for automating tasks where needed – eliminating mundane manual tasks and freeing up valuable time from employees who could be working on higher-value activities instead. Additionally, by leveraging data from multiple systems to measure performance against set goals, businesses can easily identify areas where they could benefit from further automation or other improvements – such as increasing customer satisfaction or optimizing processes across departments.


Process mining provides a powerful opportunity for businesses looking to increase value-creation digitalization initiatives within their organization. By leveraging data gained from automated systems along with insights gained through manual observation and analysis, companies can quickly identify areas where they could benefit from further automation or other improvements – such as increasing customer satisfaction or optimizing processes across departments – leading to improved productivity and cost savings. Ultimately, this means tremendous success for your business overall!

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